Monday, May 21, 2007


This is the first post of many, I hope. This is NEWMAN'S OWN MOVIE CORNER (all my respects to Paul Newman and his fine brand of sauces, cookies, etc.) I will be using this blog to, not surprisingly, review films and further my skill as a critic. Yes, that's right, I hope to become a film critic and earn my living off ridiculing other people's work. But I will only ridicule work if it deserves it; I am open to all kinds of film and do not hold a grudge against anything or anyone. Well, that's not entirely true, but we'll just gloss over that.

I really have no idea how often I'll update this... it really depends on how often I see films I think are worth reviewing and how often I actually sit myself down to write. I already have a review ready for posting, which I will do shortly, but after that, it's anybody's guess.

So, welcome to my blog. Enjoy reading what I have and PLEASE give comments or suggestions on how I can improve. I'm in this for the learning experience. I also accept compliments, in case anyone is wondering. I really enjoy them, as a matter of fact.

And with that... I'll see you at the movies! *Cheesy play-out*

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